Saturday, January 12, 2019

The End

Happy 2019, everyone! I hope you all had a joyous holiday season, and I wish you a prosperous new year. 

I have an announcement about the blog. This will be the last post. Writing the blog has been a journey that has ushered me to an unexpected destination. The practice of writing consistently, or trying to, has unlocked some important revelations. First, I love writing, but I don't have the focus or dedication to develop my craft right now. Second, part of running a blog is examining what others are doing. I learned quickly that there are many, many people who are more interested in traveling and better at creating content around their adventures than me. Traveling and writing will always be an interest of mine, but if I am being honest, I cannot say that I have a passion for it. 

So what's next? I'm not sure. My creative juices are flowing again, but a bit of experimentation needs to happen so I can find the best way to express myself.

I am posting more often on my Instagram and Twitter accounts this year. You can follow me if you want to see what I'm up to. I don't think the Facebook page will continue. 

Finally, thank all of you who supported the blog and sent encouragement. My heart overflows with gratitude that you spent a few minutes of your precious time reading a post. 

Hopefully not forever but for now...goodbye.
